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Blog / wardrobe cull

5 Best ways to Cull your wardrobe in 2025

5 Best ways to Cull your wardrobe in 2025

Fine tune you’re best Image

I thought I’d start the New Year with what I think are my 5 BEST Image making tips that I reckon will make a big difference to your wardrobe, and of course the way you look.

Let’s start with Image maker 1.

Don't wear the wrong colours

If you have already had your Colours done, and you are sure you’ve had a correct assessment, I bet there are still some Image Breakers lurking in your cupboard. That is clothes that aren’t in your colours.

My top tip is get to know your colours really well. ‘There are only 16million plus colours after all.

Only wear or buy your correct colours. I spend a lot of time assisting my clients to know their colours and provide ways to help them learn them.

I bet you’re still hanging on to things that are not in your season. I know it’s hard to part with something that you’ve spent your hard earned dollars on, but why wear something that doesn’t do you justice?

Image maker no 2.

Get rid of your old clothes


Get rid of those old clothes that are still lurking in your cupboard. 

There's always room for another cull and there is never room for something that doesn’t belong in your closet. You’ll feel much happier when you make more space and you’ll even be able to see the garments in your wardrobe much better.

Image maker no 3

Sort your clothes into 2 separate wardrobes.

Separating your closet into your Summer and Winter things is also very freeing.

Having room to move will give you a better sense of order and help you to see the potential especially when it comes to creating new looks.

Image maker no 4

Create new looks

Did you know you can become more creative when there is less clutter around you?

Imagine a more “capsule “type wardrobe. Less is sometimes best. I encourage you to do some more mixing and matching.

Create different outfits with the clothes you already own. You can make outfits that looks new and fresh just by mixing things up a little.

Try all the looks you can create with one top for example. How many bottoms does that one top go with?

Experiment with different shoes, bags and jewellery. Make a casual outfit more formal by adding a jacket, different shoes and make up.

You’re clothes need to be multi-functional. Doing these things will make you realize you have more than enough clothes to wear and there is no need to go out shopping for something “new “at every new season.

I always say “how many outfits can you wear in 365 days of the year”? Most people tend to wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time anyway.

Image maker no 5

Throw away everything that is ill fitting,

Most of us have fluctuating weight. Usually it’s sort of up or down a size.

If you find there are items in your wardrobe that are a really bad fit and make you look frumpy, it’s time to put them in the recycle bin. Find garments that fit well and are flattering to your body shape.

So there you have it, my New Year‘s Wardrobe resolutions. All I need to do now is go and tidy mine up as well.

So happy Culling from Your Colours style for 2025.


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7 Steps to Image Success-Lesson 2-Cull your wardrobe

7 Steps to Image Success-Lesson 2-Cull your wardrobe

Cull your wardrobe using your swatch

Seasonal colour swatch

To achieve Image Success it's important to follow certain steps.

In Step 1 in the last blog, I discussed having an accurate colour analysis.

This is the Key that unlocks your true Image potential and shows you how to wear colours that flatter who you are.

Once you have had your colours done, you will receive a seasonal Colour swatch.

Follow this link to see the colour swatches available.


Only 4 seasonal colour palettes

I personally only endorse the 4 seasonal colours, as every known colour can be allocated into only 4 groups

So many are confused with the plethora of colour systems and swatches

Incorrect colour swatches

Note the swatch below called Dark Autumn actually has colours from every season.

Wrong colours in seasonal colour swatches

If you're not sure about your colours feel free to contact Your Colours and Style for an accurate colour analysis and swatch.

Your colours are endless

Your swatch is an excellent tool to determine the many fabulous colours that suit you. With over 16 million colours, you will find that an huge number of those colours belong in your palette.

Even though the palette has only 32 colours, learning to work your colour palette is a must, as it reveals the diversity of colours available to you.

If you're not sure of your "colour rules" please contact me and I will email them to you.

You look best in your colours

Wearing all your colours is so liberating to your Image. You will loo younger, slimmer, more attractive and more stylish.

As a colour consultant my goal is to teach my clients how to do that well. When I say ALL your colours, there are literally thousands of choices.

In the last blog I outlined how to find all your colour choices by using your swatch correctly.

Personal style

Remove all the wrong colours from your wardrobe

The wrong colours

Have you noticed a mixture of colours in your wardrobe that do not go together or "flow"?

Mixing everything with black for example is a real no no.

Not everything goes with black. In this image you have a warm teal colour from the Autumn Palette and a black from the Winter Palette. This is the best way to look drab and dull.

This is a real image breaker. It's best to coordinate only from your colour palette.

So the first thing is to remove all the items in your wardrobe that are not in your palette.

This may be brutal as you grieve over the things that hold sentimental and monetary value.

If this is too difficult, I always suggest placing them in another room until you grow with your new colours and the "new you"

Interestingly enough, the new you may take a little while to get used to as you are familiar with your old look.

Old being the operative word, because you will look older in the wrong colours. 

Holding on to items that are not in the right colours' sets you up to fail.

Your capsule wardrobe should "flow"

How do you build a great capsule wardrobe?

By using only the right colours.

Once you place the right colours in your wardrobe everything with go together and everything will look fabulous on you.

You'll look great from top to toe.

mature style

Start building with your basics.

So many stylists tell their clients their basics are black and white and so they build a wardrobe around the dominant cool colours that only go with black.

You're basics are the classics in your neutral colours first, and then items in your fashion colours.

Jeansfashion mature womenmature fashion

Choose the neutral shades in your swatch and begin building with those.

Just that one pair of jeans in your colours will go with every shirt, every jumper and every jacket.

This is how you are going to have so many outfits with so few garments.

Of course you can then grab one or 2 pairs of shoes and even 1 bag in any of your colours and you'll be surprised at how many outfits one thing can go with.

Maroon bag
I hope you're finding these tips helpful. Just go with your swatch and cull your wardrobe and I'll see you with the Lesson 3 of 7 steps to your Image transformation.


Please contact Your Colours and style if you find you need help with any of these steps.










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