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Blog / How to cull your wardobe

Get ready for your Spring Cull

Get ready for your Spring Cull

5 Steps for your Spring Cull

Spring cull

The suns' shining, the bees are buzzing.  Spring is just around the corner and now is the time to cull, clean and motivate for the warmer months. Time to throw off the winter garb and get into your lovely colourful outfits." I hope you never got out of your colourful outfits."

5 easy steps to Culling.

1. Remove all the wrong colours. This step is critical to looking your best. Have you had your colours done? Do you know how to choose your colours well?

Always start with your colour analysis.

Now I can help you with my online colour analysis video, and you can do your colours without leaving the room


2. Remove all the old clothes. Isn't it amazing just how long we hang on to clothes we think we will wear again "one day" ?

Seriously!!! There are only so many days in a year. So many outings (or not) and just so many clothes we can get on our back at one time. You know the saying. Most of us wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. Now we are probably wearing 5% of our clothes, 100% of the time.

track suit

3. Remove all the clothes that no longer fit. How long have you been on that diet? And how long have you been trying to get into those jeans you wore when you were 25? Now I don't want to say forget it, cause I am always the eternal optimist and I always believe in being fit and healthy and not to just allow those extra kilos to take over, but we have to be realistic.

Our bodies change, our bodies change (a lot) as we mature so find some garments that fit well and are flattering for your age.

tight jeans

4. Remove all the inappropriate outfits. Time to get rid of your bickie jacket, your silver bikini, your spangled evening dress and your Jean Shrimpton minis. Those days are over. While you're at it get rid of all the clothes that you never wore because you know they "just didn't suit you" Ask about my list for appropriate style

mutton dressed up as lamb

5. My 5th and final tip to having a successful cull is remove all the bulk.

Seriously how many pairs of the one colour pant can you wear? Or for that matter how many pairs of pants can you wear in general? So if you find you have 1,199 pair of jeans please donate some to those in need.

Rack of jeans

So now you have a nice clean wardrobe.

What's left? Hopefully some pants, jackets, jeans, t-shirts, tops, shirts and cute spring shoes IN YOUR COLOURS ONLY to create some lovely looks for Spring.

Stay tuned for a future blog on "How to create your perfect Spring Capsule Wardrobe in Your Colours"

ageless styleageless styleageless style

Go any questions for me? Call Ros Your Colours and style. I love to chat to my clients 0413875471



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